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Lotus Notes Database  |  1999-07-19  |  790KB  |  5,863 lines

  1. Mail Router Mailbox (5.0)
  2. #1StdNotesMailbox
  3. CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
  4. Paul DiCristinaCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iristz1###############################
  5. Paul DiCristinaCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes######################################################
  6. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes##############################################
  7. CN=Michael Clark/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes##############
  8. 30719
  9. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris###################################
  10. 2CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
  11. 30719
  12. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris#############
  13. 34CiQP
  14. dead.gifdeaddead.gif
  15. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes############################
  16. 34CiQP
  17. held.gifheldheld.gif
  18. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes############################
  19. )$SUBVIEW$1\:1{@special(@indexunread)};$2\Date:8{@date(@year(PostedDate);@month(PostedDate);@day(PostedDate))};From\From:15;$4\Subject:30{@if(@isavailable(Subject);Subject;"Phone call from: "+PhoneCaller)}Mail
  20. RoutingStateh
  21. RoutingState
  22. RoutingState
  23.     10S11S13S19S
  24.     0S0E
  25. Recipients
  26. RoutingState
  27. DeadFailureReason
  28. FailureReason
  29.     0S0E
  30. $10PostedDate$8$12$5$13$11$Conflict
  31.     L1S1
  32. PostedDate
  33. $8PostedDate
  34. (Message)
  35. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes###
  36. MemoMemo
  37. $LotusFaxMemoSubform | 1.0 | $LotusFaxMemoSubformMoodsCDF
  38. BodySubjectEnterBlindCopyToEnterCopyToEnterSendToWebSubjectBlindCopyToCopyToSendToQuery_StringPath_InfoDefaultMailSaveOptions$KeepPrivateEncryptSignLogoAltFromFromForm
  39. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes########################################
  40. 34CiQP
  41. pending.gifpendingpending.gif
  42. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes###################
  43. ReplywReplyReply
  44. $LotusFaxMemoSubform | 1.0 | $LotusFaxMemoSubformMoodsCDF
  45. BodySubjectEnterBlindCopyToEnterCopyToEnterSendToWebSubjectBlindCopyToCopyToSendToQuery_StringPath_InfoDefaultMailSaveOptions$KeepPrivateEncryptSignLogoAltFromFromInheritedFromDomainInheritedAltFromInheritedFromInheritedReplyToInheritedAltSendToInheritedSendToInetBlindCopyToInetCopyToInetSendTo$StorageBcc$StorageCc$StorageTo$AltNameLanguageTags
  46. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes###################################
  47. Reply With HistoryReply With HistoryReply
  48. $LotusFaxMemoSubform | 1.0 | $LotusFaxMemoSubformMoodsCDF
  49. BodySubjectEnterBlindCopyToEnterCopyToEnterSendToWebSubjectBlindCopyToCopyToSendToQuery_StringPath_InfoDefaultMailSaveOptions$KeepPrivateEncryptSignLogoAltFromFromInheritedFromDomainInheritedAltFromInheritedFromInheritedReplyToInheritedAltSendToInheritedSendToInetBlindCopyToInetCopyToInetSendTo$StorageBcc$StorageCc$StorageTo$AltNameLanguageTags
  50. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes##########
  51. To DoTaskCDF
  52. BodyCategoriesAlarmsOrgConfidentialBlindCopyToCopyToSendToRepeatsTaskTypeDueDateImportanceStartDateSubjecttmpNoActionBartmpOwnerHW$ExpandGroups$KeepPrivateDefaultMailSaveOptionsEncryptSignFromForm1
  53. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes#######################################################
  55. ForwardedDateForwardedFrom
  56. CN=William Zircher/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus NotesCU3xP###
  57. $LotusFaxMemoSubform1.0$LotusFaxMemoSubform
  58. CN=William Zircher/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus NotesCUA3xP########
  59. $MoodsMoods
  60. CN=Ryan Jansen/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus NotesCU3P################################################
  61. (Attempt to deliver Held Messages)
  62. This filter releases any selected messages whose current routing state is set to HOLD. If unsuccessful, the message's routing state will reset to HOLD.
  63. EH4f3
  64. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes######################################
  65. (Delivery Report)Delivery ReportCD
  66. BodyDeliveryDateSubject
  67. CN=William Zircher/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes###################################
  68. (Final attempt to deliver Held Messages)
  69. This filter releases selected messages whose current routing state is set to HOLD. If unsuccessful, a non-delviery report will be sent..
  70. EH4f3
  71. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes###############################################
  72. 3E79A351E3C65CAC646C07653A6F421C1
  73. (Message)(Message)
  74. IntendedRecipientRecipientsFrom
  75. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes####################################
  76. (NonDelivery Report)DeliveryReportNonDelivery ReportwCDF
  77. BodySubjectCopyToSendToIntendedRecipient
  78. CN=William Zircher/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes##############
  79. (Notice)NoticeCDF
  80. StatusUpdateBodytmpNoActionBarForm1
  81. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes########################
  82. (Release Dead Messages)|Release Dead Messages
  83. This filter releases (and tries to resend) all messages that have been marked DEAD.
  84. EH4f3
  85. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes###############################
  86. (ReleaseSelectedDeadMessagestoRecipients)
  87. This filter releases (and tries to resend) all selected messages that have been marked DEAD and send them to the list of recipients and not the list of intended recipients.
  88. EH4f3
  89. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes##########
  90. (ReleaseSelectedDeadMessages)
  91. This filter releases (and tries to resend) all selected messages that have been marked DEAD.
  92. EH4f3
  93. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes######################################
  94. (ReplyNotice)(ReplyNotice)CD
  95. StatusUpdateBlindCopyToCopyToSendToSaveOptionsMailOptionsForm1
  96. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes####################################
  97. (Return Receipt)Return ReceiptCD
  98. DeliveryDateSubject
  99. CN=William Zircher/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes###################################################
  100. (ReturnNonReceipt)ReturnNonReceiptCD
  101. CN=William Zircher/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes################################
  102. (TaskNotice)TaskNoticeCDF
  103. StatusUpdateBodytmpNoActionBartmpOwnerHWForm1
  104. CN=Rob Slapikoff/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
  105. ##########################################################
  106. (Trace Report)Trace ReportCD
  107. DeliveryDateSubject
  108. CN=William Zircher/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes###############################################
  109. ##########################################################
  110. ##########################################################
  111. Times New Roman
  112. Task List
  113. &Switch To
  114. About Mail Router Mailbox
  115. %12-/H
  116. !G,$W,#I4)X6(H,4W,4G98X<6h*#x+$g9)w8(h.6u-2g<5w<4>B=YA
  117. WC9iB.xC-iF8wH8jT>zR<rd?
  118. 2L3;FK=Dj=C:FQ8Qp<b
  120. fLRwKSgYWwZV[cXtfYPZjl\dWfphhhvigkqlysjhktvlsjtxyww
  121.     The Mail Router Mailbox template is a special template, used to automatically create a database that holds mail in transit to other servers or users.  It also holds undeliverable, unreturnable mail referred to as "dead letters."  Every Notes server has a Mail Router Mailbox.  There is also a Mail Router Mailbox on any Notes workstation where a user has enabled Workstation-based Mail as a preference.  On a workstation, the Mailbox holds outgoing mail messages until they are transferred by either the 
  122.     File, Replication, Replicate
  123.     ... command or the Notes Background program.  The filename of the database is always MAIL.BOX.
  124.     The Mail Router Mailbox is automatically created on a Notes Server the first time the Router task is run.  It is automatically created on a  workstation when Workstation-based Mail is selected from the Tools Setup Mail command.
  125.     For more information on the Mail Router Mailbox, see the
  126.      Administrator's Guide
  127.      and 
  128.     Dial-up Notes
  129. To the Server Administrator:
  130.     Check this mailbox if you suspect there is a problem with mail delivery.  The dead and pending messages may indicate a problem you should solve, such as changing an entry in the Name & Address Book.
  131.     Review the following list to become familiar with this template. 
  132.     NOTE:
  133.       In general, a server's Mail Router Mailbox should not be accessible to Notes users.
  134.     Access Control List:
  135.     On a Notes server
  136.     , the Access Control List is set up so that by default, the server administrator and the server are defined as managers. 
  137.     The default access is Depositor.
  138.       The administrator maintains the access control list.   He/she may change the default access or add additional managers. 
  139.     On a workstation
  140.     , the person whose ID is active when Workstation-based mail is selected will be defined as manager of the Mailbox.
  141.     About the Mail Router Mailbox:  
  142.      Read (and maybe print) this information.  Replace the current contents with a paragraph or two that explains the purpose of this database, its audience, and how to contact the manager(s).  
  143.     (To edit the About Database document, select the Design folder, then the Other folder then , "About Database" document.)
  144.     Using the Mail Router Mailbox: 
  145.     Be sure to update the Using Database document. It should give users specific information on the use of the database.
  146.     (To edit the About Database document, select the Design folder, then the Other folder then , "Using Database" document.)
  147. O=Lotus Notes
  148. O=Lotus Notes
  149. PURSAFO
  150. |.:#U
  151. O=Lotus Notes
  152. CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
  153. PURSAFO
  154. Fde!f^^
  155. T+&AxXK
  156. $INFO
  157. $BODY
  158. Times New Roman
  159. Using Mail Router Mailbox
  160. %12-/H
  161. !G,$W,#I4)X6(H,4W,4G98X<6h*#x+$g9)w8(h.6u-2g<5w<4>B=YA
  162. WC9iB.xC-iF8wH8jT>zR<rd?
  163. 2L3;FK=Dj=C:FQ8Qp<b
  165. fLRwKSgYWwZV[cXtfYPZjl\dWfphhhvigkqlysjhktvlsjtxyww
  166.     On a workstation, this database contains outgoing mail being held for transfer to your home server.
  167.     On a server, this database contains mail in transit to other servers or users.  It also holds undeliverable, unreturnable mail referred to as "dead letters." 
  168.     Message States
  169.     Messages in a mail box fall into 3 basic states: Pending, Held, and Dead
  170.     Pending 
  171.     - a message which is in the pending state is waiting to be transferred or delivered.  
  172.     Held 
  173.     -  Held mail represents mail which fails to be delivered or transferred and would normally result in a Non-Delivery report being sent to the orignator.  By turning the feature on, any mail which would normally be returned as a Non-Delivery would be 'held' instead of being returned.  This provides administrators with a chance to fix any problems which would have caused the Non-Delivery report to be sent and then release the held mail.  The icon which appears next to mail in the 'Held' state is: 
  174.  @  @@ @` @
  175. @@ @@@@@`@@
  176. `@ `@@`@``@
  177.     Dead 
  178.     - Dead mail represents mail which fails to be delivered to the intended recipient 
  179.      whose resulting Non-Delivery report fails to be delivered to the orginator of the message.  A message in the 'Dead' state lists the recipient as the orginator of the message and the intended recipients as the list of people the orginator of the message first sent it to.  The icon which appears next to mail in the 'Dead' state is: 
  180.  @  @@ @` @
  181. @@ @@@@@`@@
  182. `@ `@@`@``@
  183.     Actions:
  184.     The following actions are available from both the action bar and the Actions menu:
  185.      (Help)  
  186.     opens this document
  187.     Delete Message
  188.     marks the currently selected documents for deletion
  189.     Release All Dead Messages
  190.     Releases and tries to resend all dead messages to their intended recipients
  191.     Release Selected Dead Messages
  192.     Releases are tries to resend selected dead messages to their intended recipients
  193.     Release Selected Dead Messages to Recipients
  194.     Releases and tries to resend selected dead messages to the list of recipients (not the list of intended recipients)
  195.     Release Selected Held Messages
  196.     Releases and tries to send selected held messages
  197.     Release Selected Held Messages for a Final Time
  198.     Releases any held mail and if it fails, returns a Non-Delivery report to the origninator.
  199. O=Lotus Notes
  200. O=Lotus Notes
  201. PURSAFO
  202. |.:#U
  203. O=Lotus Notes
  204. CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
  205. PURSAFO
  206. $INFO
  207. $BODY
  208. O=Lotus Notes
  209. O=Lotus Notes
  210. PURSAFO
  211. |.:#U
  212. O=Lotus Notes
  213. CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
  214. PURSAFO
  215. Fde!f^^
  216. GIF89a
  217. AG-LZ
  218. 1V9ii
  219.     x+WA
  220. kU>-k#
  221. ~@yRX
  222. d"&@nl
  223. o    mq),
  224. .{(w_U
  225.     JC"e 
  226. f&HuH
  227. Pj<+c8
  228. uJ>;\(P+a
  229. {|a2m
  230. S,a0[
  231. zC/{R
  232. ;;Buq
  233. Q("Zl
  234. "b/2FC
  235. AHNV^bnr
  236. !Qn}UK
  237. _3"Nd
  238. w^J:r
  239. )Nl(f
  240. BKeLc
  241. fLFVk
  242. ]D;bd
  243. H!gF5W6
  244. O=Lotus Notes
  245. O=Lotus Notes
  246. PURSAFO
  247. |.:#U
  248. O=Lotus Notes
  249. CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
  250. PURSAFO
  251. O-,    2
  252. $ImagesWide
  253. $ImagesHigh
  254. $ImagesColorize
  255. $TITLE
  256. $ImageData
  257. $ImageNames
  258. T#T#GIF89a
  259. =s!Dh
  260. J3DRu
  261. aZ*7#
  262. +)$\h
  263. ucxF(
  264. %j>7J
  265. t91Yp`
  266. qoO<% ' E
  267. /mRes#
  268. S% Q9M
  269. d`ZLs
  270. :    7g:
  271. *ag#e
  272. 7t!Elz'F
  273. ,e,ogyo^{
  274. '|BEw
  275. wtU;GX
  276. tlxP&
  277. ?N7B+Y
  278. FLKCW
  279. 0sc)?R#q\
  280. dWV;G
  281. +ardo
  282. .(+-/135
  283. >%EGIE
  284.  b!$hk
  285. -ZHjj9
  286. >BK5-E
  287. I>V_42
  288. ooQHP
  289. ].<Fou
  290.     ,Lp#
  291. -Hjs$
  292. BYZG?:
  293. 0vj+1
  294. !&`~nk
  295. HkuH0
  296. Pv&0|.
  297. "    JhA
  298. 3Is.=
  299. .[s6]
  300. 5mS6i37
  301. 6_S7}
  302. O=Lotus Notes
  303. O=Lotus Notes
  304. PURSAFO
  305. |.:#U
  306. O=Lotus Notes
  307. CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
  308. PURSAFO
  309. $ImagesWide
  310. $ImagesHigh
  311. $ImagesColorize
  312. $TITLE
  313. $ImageData
  314. $ImageNames
  315. RoutingStateh
  316. RoutingState
  317. RoutingState
  318.     10S11S13S19S
  319. PostedDateSubmit Time$8From*
  320.     0S0E
  321. $5Recipients&
  322. Recipients
  323. $13Size
  324. RoutingState
  325. DeadFailureReason
  326. FailureReason
  327.     0S0E
  328. "MS Sans Serif
  329.     0S0E
  330. Categori_zeK
  331. _Edit Document
  332. Send Docu_ment
  333. _Forward
  334. Delete Message 
  335.     0S0E
  336. _Move to Folder...
  337. Release...\All Dead Messages:
  338. Release Dead Messages
  339.     0S0E
  340. Release...\Selected Dead Messages
  341. (ReleaseSelectedDeadMessages)
  342.     0S0E
  343. Release...\Selected Dead Messages to RecipientsKN
  344. (ReleaseSelectedDeadMessagestoRecipients)
  345.     0S0E
  346. Release...\Selected Held Messages
  347. (Attempt to deliver Held Messages)
  348.     0S0E
  349. Release...\Selected Held Messages for a Final TimeL
  350. (Final attempt to deliver Held Messages)
  351.     0S0E
  352. _Remove from Folder...
  353.     0S0E
  354. Categori_zeK
  355. _Edit Document
  356. Send Docu_ment
  357. _Forward
  358. Delete Message 
  359.     0S0E
  360. _Move to Folder...
  361. Release...\All Dead Messages:
  362. Release Dead Messages
  363.     0S0E
  364. Release...\Selected Dead Messages
  365. (ReleaseSelectedDeadMessages)
  366.     0S0E
  367. Release...\Selected Dead Messages to RecipientsKN
  368. (ReleaseSelectedDeadMessagestoRecipients)
  369.     0S0E
  370. Release...\Selected Held Messages
  371. (Attempt to deliver Held Messages)
  372.     0S0E
  373. Release...\Selected Held Messages for a Final TimeL
  374. (Final attempt to deliver Held Messages)
  375.     0S0E
  376. _Remove from Folder...
  377. O=Lotus Notes
  378. O=Lotus Notes
  379. PURSAFO
  380. |.:#U
  381. O=Lotus Notes
  382. CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
  383. PURSAFO
  385. $TITLE
  386. $Index
  387. $FORMULA
  390. $FormFormula
  391. $COMMENT
  392. $V5ACTIONS
  393. $ACTIONS
  395.     ----- Forwarded by 
  396. ForwardedFrom
  397.      on 
  398. ForwardedDate
  399.      -----
  400. O=Lotus Notes
  401. O=Lotus Notes
  402. PURSAFO
  403. |.:#U
  404. O=Lotus Notes
  405. CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
  406. PURSAFO
  407. M9    e7?
  408. $INFO
  409. $$ScriptName
  410. ForwardedDate
  411. $BODY
  412. -Default-
  413. [-Default-]
  414. LocalDomainServers
  415. Lotus Product
  416. OBJECT
  417. Lotus Product
  418. Lotus Product
  419. OBJECT
  420. Lotus Product
  421. OBJECT
  422. Lotus ProductQ
  423. V0.0L
  424. J,|}8r
  425. J,|}8r
  426. ^,|J,|
  427. JT~KD~-
  428. JT~KD~-
  429. KD~-<
  430. ~}8rKD~-`
  431. $HideMailHeader
  432. BGTableColor
  433. HeaderRegion
  434. BodyRegion
  435. New Memo
  436. Subject
  437. Subject
  438. Subject
  439.     4S6S12S13S14S15S17S21S23S25S26S28S
  440. &Arial
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  1857. AltSendTo
  1858. SendTo
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  1869. AltCopyTo
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  1880. LanguagePreferencet
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  1903. EnterBlindCopyToList of undisclosed people to send copies of memo.
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  1913. SubjectSubject of memo.
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  1929. DeliveryReport
  1930. DeliveryReport
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  1933. DeliveryPriority
  1934. DeliveryPriority
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  1936. UpdateProfileNote
  1937. UpdateProfileNote
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  1940. ReturnReceipt
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  1949. ReplyTo
  1950. ReplyTo
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  1952. MimeFormat
  1953. MimeFormat
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  1956. SMTPEncoding
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  1974. Moods
  1975. PostedDate
  1976. SenderTag
  1977. Moods
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  1980. Categori_zeK
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  1985. _Remove From FolderK
  1986. Categori_zeK
  1987. _Edit Document
  1988. Send Docu_ment
  1989. _Forward
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  1991. _Remove From FolderK
  1992. O=Lotus Notes
  1993. O=Lotus Notes
  1994. PURSAFO
  1995. |.:#U
  1996. O=Lotus Notes
  1997. CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
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  2019. Lotus Product
  2020. Lotus Product
  2021. Lotus Product
  2022. Lotus Product
  2023. Lotus Product
  2024. Lotus Product
  2025. Lotus Product
  2026. Lotus Product
  2027. Lotus Product
  2028. Lotus Product
  2029. Lotus Product
  2030. Lotus Product
  2031. Lotus Product
  2032. Lotus Product
  2033. Lotus Product
  2034. Lotus Product
  2035. xxNewToDo
  2036. New To Do Item
  2037.     1S2S
  2038. xxOldToTo
  2039. To Do Item- 
  2040. Subject
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  2043. xxOldToDo
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  2046. '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Declarations):0:2
  2047. Lotus Product
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  2098. DueDateTime
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  2101. xxFailed
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  2103.     1S2S
  2104. StartDate
  2105. DueDate
  2106. DueDate
  2107. StartDate
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  2139. New Button
  2140. Need a newer version of Notes to execute this button.
  2141.     0S0E
  2142.     Settings...
  2143. Repeats
  2144.     0S0E
  2145. New Button
  2146. Need a newer version of Notes to execute this button.
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  2173. TaskType
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  2175. AssignedTo
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  2179.     Assignments already sent
  2180. TaskType
  2181. PostedDate
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  2184. OptionalAssignedTo
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  2197. '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Click:1:12
  2198. Sub Click(Source As Button)
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  2202. End Sub
  2203. Lotus Product
  2204. New Button
  2205. Need a newer version of Notes to execute this button.
  2206.     0S0E
  2207.     Remove...
  2208. TaskType
  2209. PostedDate
  2210. AssignedTo
  2211. OptionalAssignedTo
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  2214. TaskType
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  2217. OptionalAssignedTo
  2218. FYIAssignedTo
  2219.     1S2S3S4S5S6S7S2E8S19S20S
  2220. AssignedTo^
  2221.     0S0E
  2222. tmpRequired
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  2225. tmpOptional
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  2227. PostedDate
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  2229. OptionalAssignedTo
  2230. FYIAssignedTo
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  2235. TmpOwnerHW
  2236. FYIAssignedTo
  2237. BlindCopyTo
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  2242. TaskType
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  2245. TaskType
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  2247. SendToz
  2248. size=80
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  2275. SendList_1_1
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  2285. var pathname = (window.location.pathname);
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  2290. SendList_1_2
  2291. Participants
  2292. OrgConfidential
  2293. Mark Private|1
  2294.     Others cannot see any details about this event.
  2295. AlarmsY
  2296. $Alarmh
  2297. Alarms
  2298.     7S14S16S19SAlarms
  2299. Notify me|1
  2300.     Have Notes notify you before the event.
  2301. Alarms
  2302.     1S2S
  2303. '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Options):0:66
  2304. '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Forward):0:1
  2305. Declare Sub Click(Source As Button)
  2306. '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Declarations):0:2
  2307. '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:BindEvents:1:129
  2308. Private Sub BindEvents(Byval Objectname_ As String)
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  2313. '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Click:1:12
  2314. Sub Click(Source As Button)
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  2320. Lotus Product
  2321. New Button
  2322. Need a newer version of Notes to execute this button.
  2323.     0S0E
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  2325.     Categorize:
  2326. Categories
  2327. xxNotesCats
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  2329. Vacation|V
  2330. Projects|P
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  2341. _Edit Document
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  2348. Send Docu_ment
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  2352. O=Lotus Notes
  2353. O=Lotus Notes
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  2355. |.:#U
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  2397. |.:#U
  2398. O=Lotus Notes
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  2400. PURSAFO
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  2460. O=Lotus Notes
  2461. PURSAFO
  2462. |.:#U
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  2484. O=Lotus Notes
  2485. PURSAFO
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  2856. PrincipalName
  2857.  has tentatively accepted your meeting request"
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  2931. Location
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  2933.     7S14S16S2E
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  2935.     Chair:
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  2937. Chair
  2938. Principal
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  3101. RepeatWeekends
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  3105. RepeatWeekends
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  3203. RoutingState
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  3237. Started running agent 'Release Dead Messages' on 04/03/98 02:53:48 PM
  3238. Running on all documents in database: 1 total
  3239. Found 1 document(s) that match search criteria
  3240. 1 document(s) were modified by formula
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  3244. RoutingState
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  3273. Started running agent 'Release Dead Messages' on 04/03/98 02:53:48 PM
  3274. Running on all documents in database: 1 total
  3275. Found 1 document(s) that match search criteria
  3276. 1 document(s) were modified by formula
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  3280. RoutingState
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  3355. O=Lotus Notes
  3356. O=Lotus Notes
  3357. PURSAFO
  3358. |.:#U
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  3389. Categori_zeK
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  3391. Send Docu_ment
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  3395. O=Lotus Notes
  3396. O=Lotus Notes
  3397. PURSAFO
  3398. |.:#U
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  3429. Categori_zeK
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  3437. O=Lotus Notes
  3438. O=Lotus Notes
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  3462. Lotus Product
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  3464. Lotus Product
  3465. OBJECT
  3466. Lotus Product.
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  3478. Lotus Product
  3479. Lotus Product
  3480. Lotus Product
  3481. Lotus Product
  3482. Lotus Product
  3483. Lotus Product
  3484. Lotus Product
  3485. Lotus Product
  3486. Lotus Product
  3487. Lotus Product
  3488. Lotus Product
  3489. Lotus Product
  3490. Lotus Product
  3491. Lotus Product
  3492. Lotus Product
  3493. Lotus Product
  3494. Lotus Product
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  3496. '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Forward):0:1
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  3498. Lotus Product
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  3509. Chair
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  3531. ChairName
  3532.  has rescheduled this to do
  3533.     0R1S2S3S4S
  3534. xxCancellation
  3535. ChairName
  3536.  has cancelled this to do
  3537.     0R1S2S3S4S
  3538. xxConfirmation
  3539. ChairName
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  3541.     0R1S2S3S4S
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  3544. chair
  3545. PrincipalName
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  3547. You have accepted this to do
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  3551. chair
  3552. PrincipalName
  3553.  has declined your to do assignment
  3554. You have declined this to do
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  3556. xxCounter
  3557. tmpOwner
  3558. chair
  3559. PrincipalName
  3560.  has proposed changes to your to do assignment"
  3561. You have countered this to do assignment
  3562.     0R1S2S5S6S8S9S10S12S
  3563. xxDelegate
  3564. tmpOwner
  3565. chair
  3566. PrincipalName
  3567.  has delegated your to do assignment"
  3568. You have delegated this to do
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  3572.  has delegated this to do assignment to you
  3573.     0R1S2S3S4S
  3574. xxDeclineCounter
  3575. ChairName
  3576.  has declined your proposed changes
  3577.     0R1S2S3S4S
  3578. xxRefreshInfo
  3579. $CSFlags
  3580. PrincipalName
  3581.  is requesting updated information"
  3582. Updated information from 
  3583. PrincipalName
  3584.     0R1S2S8S11S12S13S15RTTT16S17S
  3585. xxCompleted
  3586. PrincipalName
  3587.  has completed your to do assignment"
  3588.     0R1S2S3S4S
  3589. NoticeType
  3590. xxInvitation
  3591. xxReschedule
  3592. xxCancellation
  3593. xxConfirmation
  3594. xxAccept
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  3596. xxCounter
  3597. xxDelegate
  3598. xxDeleInvite
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  3614. NoticeType
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  3636. DueDateTime
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  3641. Topic
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  3647. Chair
  3648. Principal
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  3650. tmpWasMailed
  3651. principal
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  3653.     Sent by:
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  3660. Basics
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  3663.     Required:    
  3664. AssignedTo^
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  3666. tmpRequired
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  3744. Last Thursday|5.4
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  3765. 18th day|18
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  3772. 25th day|25
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  3774. 27th day|27
  3775. 28th day|28
  3776. 29th day|29
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  4361. tmpOwner
  4362. Chair
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  4403. size=42
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  4405. LocationEnter a location
  4406.     Begins:
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  4415. xxFailed
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  4417. StartDate
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  4420. AppointmentType
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  4423. .,$ //:
  4424. Notes
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  4426. StartDateTime
  4427. StartDateTime
  4428. StartTime
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  4430. xxFailed
  4431. You must enter a value for the Start Time.
  4432. StartTime
  4433. AppointmentType
  4434. AppointmentType
  4435. xxFailed{
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  4476. AppointmentType
  4477. Appointments cannot span midnight.
  4478. AppointmentType
  4479. Meetings cannot span midnight.
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  4481. EndDate
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  4483. AppointmentType
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  4490. EndDateEnter an end date
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  4495. Notes
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  4510. xxFailed
  4511. You must enter a value for the End Time.
  4512. EndTime
  4513. AppointmentType
  4514. AppointmentType
  4515. AppointmentType
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  4535. Need a newer version of Notes to execute this button.
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  4539. New Button
  4540. Need a newer version of Notes to execute this button.
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  4544. chair
  4545.     1S2S3S4S11S14S15S21S
  4546.     Chair:
  4547. Chair
  4548. tmpChair
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  4551. Basics
  4552. AppointmentType
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  4555. AppointmentType
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  4557. RequiredAttendees
  4558. OptionalAttendees
  4559. FYIAttendees
  4560.     1S2E2S3S4S5S6S7S2E8S19S20S
  4561.     Invitations already sent
  4562. AppointmentType
  4563. PostedDate
  4564. tmpOwnerHW
  4565. RequiredAttendees
  4566. OptionalAttendees
  4567. FYIAttendees
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  4574. Private Sub BindEvents(Byval Objectname_ As String)
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  4585. Lotus Product
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  4587. Need a newer version of Notes to execute this button.
  4588.     0S0E
  4589.     Remove...
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  4591. tmpWasMailed
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  4593. OptionalAttendees
  4594. FYIAttendees
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  4596. AppointmentType
  4597. PostedDate
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  4599. OptionalAttendees
  4600. FYIAttendees
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  4602. RequiredAttendees
  4603.     0S0E
  4604. tmpRequired
  4605. OptionalAttendees
  4606.     0S0E
  4607. tmpOptional
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  4609. PostedDate
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  4612. FYIAttendees
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  4617. tmpOwnerHW
  4618. FYIAttendees^
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  4622. tmpWasMailed
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  4624. AppointmentType
  4625. RequiredResources
  4626.     1S2E2S3S4S6S7S8S9S10S11S
  4627.     Reservations already made
  4628. AppointmentType
  4629. tmpOwnerHW
  4630. Room^
  4631.     1S2E2S3S4S5S6S7S8S15S16S
  4632. New Button
  4633. Need a newer version of Notes to execute this button.
  4634.     0S0E
  4635.     Cancel room...
  4636. !A5o,
  4637. AppointmentType
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  4639. RequiredResources
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  4641. New Button
  4642. Need a newer version of Notes to execute this button.
  4643.     0S0E
  4644.     Cancel resource...
  4645. AppointmentType
  4646. RequiredResources
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  4648. AppointmentType
  4649.     1S2E2S3S4S5S6S
  4650.     Rooms:
  4651. Room^
  4652.     0S0E
  4653. tmpRooms
  4654. AppointmentType
  4655. RequiredResources
  4656.     1S2E2S3S4S5S6S
  4657.     Resources:
  4658. RequiredResources
  4659.     0S0E
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  4661. AppointmentType
  4662. tmpOwnerHW
  4663.     1S2E2S3S4S5S6S7S8S
  4664.     Enter new invitations and reservations below...
  4665. AppointmentType
  4666. tmpOwnerHW
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  4668.     Invite:
  4669. SendToEnter the name(s) of the invitees
  4670. size=80
  4671. DialogButton Address.GIF|Address
  4672. SendList
  4673.     0S0E
  4674.     cc (optional):
  4675. CopyToEnter the names(s) of people who should be cc'd
  4676. size=80
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  4685. size=80
  4686. DialogButton Address.GIF|Address
  4687. BCCList
  4688.     0S0E
  4689. AppointmentType
  4690. tmpOwnerHW
  4691.     1S2E2S3S4S5S6S
  4692.     Reserve rooms:
  4693. RoomToReserveReserve roomsz
  4694. size=80
  4695. rooms.GIF
  4696. RoomList
  4697. RoomsToReserve
  4698.     1S2S
  4699. RoomToReserve
  4700. RoomToReserve
  4701. RoomsToReserve
  4702.     0R1S2S3S
  4703.     Reserve resources:
  4704. ResourcesReserve resourcesz
  4705. size=80
  4706. rooms.GIF
  4707. ResourceList
  4708. ResourcesToReserve
  4709.     1S2S
  4710. Resources
  4711. Resources
  4712. ResourcesToReserve
  4713.     0R1S2S3S
  4714. Meeting Invitations & Reservations
  4715. AppointmentType
  4716.     1S2S
  4717. AppointmentType
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  4720. tmpApptType
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  4722. AppointmentType
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  4726. AppointmentType
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  4729. Pencil In|1
  4730.     Time will appear free to others.
  4731. OrgConfidentialClick this box if you do not want others to see any details about this event
  4732. Mark Private|1
  4733.     Others cannot see any details about this event.
  4734. AlarmsY
  4735. $Alarmh
  4736. Alarms
  4737.     7S14S16S19SAlarmsClick this box to have Notes notify you before the event
  4738. Notify me|1
  4739.     Have Notes notify you before the event.
  4740. Alarms
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  4742. New Button
  4743. Need a newer version of Notes to execute this button.
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